Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Introduction
  • Our Mission
  • Our Vision
  • Message from Dean
  • Associated Departments

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences occupies a central position in any educational institution because it offers a wide diversity of views on various subjects in different fields of learning. Students develop an interdisciplinary approach to the problem(s) in academia. Teachers in the departments perform their duties with the utmost honesty and integrity. We aim to give our students the experience of a lifetime. They are taught to develop problem-solving skills and strategies so as to prepare them to deal with real-world situations outside the classroom. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences enrols students from different parts of the country with diverse cultures and different ethnic backgrounds. It is generally believed that every community benefits from expanding ethnic diversity. Teachers maintain good discipline in the departments because the lack of discipline in educational places makes it difficult for the learners to settle into the ordered environment of any good organisation in the future. Our teachers maintain high moral standards and instil the same into the students. We teach our students to be hard-working moral human beings.

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers degree-level programs in three different disciplines, viz. English, Urdu, and Education. The Department of English offers degree-level courses at BS, MPhil/MS levels. The Departments of Urdu and Education offer courses in Literature and Linguistics and Education at MPhil & PhD levels. Our teaching staff are all highly qualified with extensive experience in the field of teaching. We provide an excellent all-round education. In modern times when every type of business is involved with emerging technologies, there is a tremendous need to inculcate a spirit of humanity in our young students in order to create a better world not only for themselves but also for the coming generations.

We fully intend to broaden students' research and education activities. A comfortable learning environment at Northern University motivates and encourages our students to take part in research activities to investigate various types of phenomena in their areas of interest.
