Foreign Applicants
The credentials of an undergraduate applicant who holds a foreign nationality and who wishes
to attend
the University
are evaluated in accordance with the general regulations governing admission of foreign nationals as
approved by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan.
Candidates from foreign countries
should send their applications through the Embassies of their countries in Islamabad, and these must be
routed through
the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, Government of Pakistan.
No foreign student will be admitted in the
University unless his/her admission after due scrutiny of his/her application, is confirmed by the
Migration / Transfer of
The admission committee will review and process all transfer and migration requests as needed. Students
from other educational
institutions who wish to transfer or migrate to Northern University must meet the following
The applicant must meet Northern University's admission criteria
A certificate of good conduct and behaviour from the previous institution must be provided.
The applicant must submit a detailed marks certificate,
along with the courses studied at the previous institution, and syllabi for equivalence assessment.
Course transfers are subject to the approval of the admission committee and the achievement of a
minimum acceptable GPA.
The student must meet the minimum residency requirement for the degree program they are transferring
into, typically 50% of the total program duration. However, the academic council may reduce this
requirement to 25% on a case-by-case basis.
The admission committee may allow the transfer of up to 50% of the credit requirements for the degree.
However, the academic council may increase this limit to 75%, depending on the circumstances.
Generally, only courses that have not been used for another degree will be considered for transfer.
The grades of transferred courses will not count toward the CGPA at Northern University, but they will
appear on the transcript with a "T" next to them to indicate they are transfer credits.
Only grades earned from courses taken at Northern University will be used to calculate the CGPA. This
CGPA will also determine class rankings and eligibility for medals.